Skopos Stories

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Skopos continues to pioneer new methods and thinking, and to conduct 'research on research' to ensure the best quality. In this section below you can find all our latest news stories and reports.

  • Full range of Skopos Pocket Guides available now

    After some online and public conversations about what and how to do research in these uncertain times, we thought we would help and make our full series of expert pocket guides available again. Many of these focus on Remote/Digital/Device-based methods.  Follow link below to access our full range of pocket.

    Author Michael King
    July 14 2020
  • Skopos launch new service – The Kuriosity Shop

    Latest new unit at Skopos…  The Kuriosity Shop.  For ALL your Qual needs, Virtual/Digital and In-Person, including the transitioning, fusion and combination of these. Chats, groups, pop-ups, ongoing communities, etc.  Plus added Somatys(TM) emotional metrics from video! 

    Author Michael King
    July 14 2020
  • Skopos launch new service – App for Insight (A4i)

    We’ve been asked a number of times for more information and case studies for our new Insight Prototyping & Dev Unit, Apps4Insight, or simply A4i.  So here you go… 

    Author Michael King
    July 14 2020
  • Skopos launch 3 brand new services

    We are pleased to announce the launch of three brand new Skopos services… A4i: Apps for insight – we help create your bespoke digital applications for data collection, digital UX (including prototyping), and insight delivery – Synthys: Integrated on-going/on-demand multi-mode insight programmes; triangulating the truth, agility with ability, sense &.

    Author Michael King
    July 14 2020
  • Conducting (MRX) Business during COVID-19

    After recent discussions with clients and colleagues, and based on advice from the UK Government, Skopos has produced a very outline guide to conducting MRX business during the unfolding COVID-19 situation.  Obviously things are quite fluid and uncertain, so a measured yet dynamic response is required.  Being a British-based firm we would naturally.

    Author Michael King
    July 14 2020